Saturday, May 12, 2012

What If...

What if you think beyond your office work which needs to be completed tomorrow? What if you think beyond your friends who did not make call or the friend who is making multiple calls? What if you think beyond religious and cultural beliefs, think beyond judging people, think beyond social and national boundaries? What if you think beyond complex financial world, think beyond political uncertainty, think beyond irritating unmoral corrupt culture creeping into us and think beyond consequences of it? What if you think beyond of the pseudo-intellectual journalism, think beyond articles of already exposed biased media houses or think beyond politicians who are trying to curtail our freedom. What if you think beyond celebrity’s lifestyle, think beyond who is making what or think beyond being a millionaire?

What if you think beyond yourself and just then someone shake you and say “Stop thinking and start working”.


harmonika said...

Nice thought but very less may be you were busy in thinking and forgot to write :)

viju said...

Nice try Mona :D but as mentioned I started working and stopped thinking..

harmonika said...

It's Ok if you stopped thinking but please don't stop writing.. :)

Aniruddha Sharma said...

If all these "what if" happens in reality, be sure that you have reached into your rare possibility is that you have become a Buddha for a moment.