Thursday, January 3, 2013


Sensitive but not over emotional, understanding but also expressive. Fear for not only God but lot of other species but still work around way to achieve desired results. Know your limitations but still push to get some additional pie whenever possible. Persuasive about self understanding but do not shut the door for other good ideas to sneak in. Astonish counter arguments by rare high temper but quick to realize situation and control self. Open to accept all mistakes done with lots of hesitation of course but also sincere in saying sorry without fault to save important relationships.

Being lazy most of the times but work overtime for stuff of interest. Make friends randomly considering their behaviour not specialization or success story and also being supportive to all of them even if feel afflicted in the process. Love to dress up in style. Like to join public functions and behave properly but easily get bored by formal social chit chat. Not very impressed by luxury but care to cherish important moments in style.Surprise others by showing rare ambitious attitude and achieve targets overcoming most dreadful challenges.

Oh yes I am impressed from you!!

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