Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Tolerant Debate

Rationalist: Hey I am not well today and also bored to death. Something interesting going on?

Mango Man: Nothing interesting but big boss new session on the air. Care to watch?

Rationalist: I don’t want those stupid stuff. I want to do something meaningful, something which makes impact on society as a whole.

Mango Man: Oh really and how are you planning to do it?

Rationalist: Let me start with putting out a tweet first and updated my facebook with latest headline in newspaper today.

Mango Man: Oh that’s nice what you want to post. Is something really bad happened today?

Rationalist: Yeah I saw today in news that my nation is becoming more intolerant. I am really not feeling good about it.

Mango Man: Intolerant? Oh really what happened.

Rationalist: Good question. I am not really sure let me read a little more. Oh yes see in last month itself a group of people attacked a person’s house because he tried to consume something which was illegal and they killed that person. On top of it there is multiple politicians are making statement that whoever don’t believe in the philosophy of nation according to them, should leave the country.

Mango Man:  I never care for what politician speak but A man got killed by a mob? Where was that?

Rationalist: It was in a small town some part of east.

Mango Man: Yeah I heard about it but that is some backward place and don’t reflect nation. You know what, in those places you would probably get killed just for sending love letter to an upper cast girl. I remember two girls was hanged in similar part with a tree and still no one have any clue who did it.

Rationalist: You don’t know this incident is a larger part of conspiracy by a political party to disrupt cultural fabric of nation.

Mango Man: I am not sure what are you taking about. The religious conflicts are part of our everyday life but in general I don’t see what you refer as growing intolerance. Maybe my friend NRI can explain you better.

NRI: I was listening your conversation but did not interject but as my friend drawn me into this conversation I would object your terminology. We are more tolerant then we should be. I latest state election a convict joined hands with a cornered politician and consolidated one community vote to win election and we show tolerance. Few people tried to create a reservation based on religion in Secular country and we show tolerance. For how long you want us to show tolerance?

Rationalist: It’s not consolidation. Its people mandate. People has rejected communal practices of one party.

NRI: So now it’s all about communal-ism. When majority consolidates it is not communal-ism but when majority does, it would damage secular fabric. If people who did not clear even high school become important minister in a state we are strengthening the social fabric but if some person who have required credentials become head of a college its damage to social fabric due to his affiliation to a community. Is this your logic?

Rationalist: You are not even in the country what you would know? This country has gone to dogs.

Mango Man: Hey what are you talking about. I live a good life here. I have access to good education, good jobs, safe neighborhood. Even I work with people of all religion but I don’t see any issues.

NRI: Exactly. County is doing good in all indicators. Inflation is in control. GDP growth is stable. Country rating up a notch and you just picked this time to toss a word intolerance.

Rationalist: If one feel unsafe these economic indicators would not help. The head of the state must act against anyone who is making these statements. As he is not doing it means he is supporting it.

Mango Man: Hey this is unreasonable. On other day you were not able to convince your neighbor about reducing the volume of loudspeaker and you expect one man to pull up control everyone in entire country.

NRI: Exactly my point. In US if one speaks about sending Mexican out or doing communal profiling, his party debate with him but no one fires him. Democracy is about having a debate. If you stop one side from even questioning your belief that would be intolerance.

Rationalist: Hey I don’t agree with you. You don’t know the issues of the country. It’s because of you guys, we are in trouble.

NRI: Country is fine and it’s because of you Rationalist my country is always in bad press worldwide. You shame every countryman abroad.

Mango Man: Hey I live here. I don’t see any problem related to tolerance but I want a better job, better education, affordable housing, clear air to breath and good roads to drive. I want my family to feel safe and also expedited and affordable grievance redressal system if something goes wrong. I want better and affordable healthcare and for sake food availability for everyone.

Rationalist & NRI in chorus: This is off the topic. Let’s discuss intolerance first!!

Mango Man: I am bored. I am going to watch Big boss.

Rationalist: Yeah you are good for nothing let me tweet. Who knows, I maybe on TV tomorrow due to this.

NRI: Yeah Mango Man you wasted my time. I need to go and see a new residential project. This would be great deal if I can buy it now. This area is going to sky rocket in next few years.

Mango Man: It looks like you both are doing very good in this intolerant environment but I am not doing bad as well. You know the new movie is out. I might be able to get a good pirated print over internet. 

Rationalist & NRI in chorus again: Yeah whatever!!


Unknown said...

You are back Thakur. Like this :)

Unknown said...

You are back Thakur. Like this :)