Monday, October 11, 2010

Nothing Changed !!

Life comes full circle for him. 10 year back he was sitting the same place under the same cloud and same serene sound of waves waiting to watch each wave bulge to the shore. Nothing has changed neither in him nor in the place. The only difference he found is the waves are a little less enthusiastic to come to shore or he is sitting a little far from the shore. That is it. Nothing else has changed. One more thing maybe moon is a little smaller then before maybe here is another distance effect. Last morning there was something in paper about smaller moon etc he never paid attention to astronomical theories. Anyways nothing has changed in moon except some additional minor scars on the face. Life must have been tough on him as well. Few clouds are missing from the sky may be due to global warming effect they may have starved to death or just evaporated. Others are also look a little lean maybe due to grief of separation for their dear ones. Still not bad and yes he can feel some change is air odor as well. It has more dryness in it now before it was very cool and soft and its direction was very much consistent but this time it feels like it is undecided or rather say confused about where to go. He just noticed that all of these are staring up on him un-flickered, un-fidgeted before they were like a free soul without bothering about anyone’s presence. It seems that they are asking him..
Are we changed or is that you?

1 comment:

harmonika said...

This is best came out of a person who is not yet changed even after 10 years.. becoz nothing is changed for him.. see even all sroundings all circumstances all situations all people has not changed him.. he is a true man with true feelings.. u r right nothing is changed.. :-)